ATK-GWH01 - Inverter for heating water from surpluses
The most efficient way to use photovoltaics is to use as much of the energy produced as possible directly in the home. However, most households consume energy in the morning and evening hours, and the highest production occurs during the day, which naturally generates surpluses to the electricity grid. A physical battery is a solution for storing the energy produced for the time of consumption, but it is expensive and has a long payback period. Therefore, it is optimal to use the energy during the day to heat domestic hot water.
Technické parametre
AC vstup: 230VAC, max. 3W
RS485 zbernica:
- Nasúvacia skrutkovacia svorkovnica A,B svorky
- RJ45 konektor, A-pin 6 B-pin 3
- Prenosová rýchlosť 9600bd 8N1
Rádiové parametre:
- Pásmo 2.4GHz, LoRa modulácia
- VF výkon 500mW / 27dBm
- Dosah až 8km vo voľnom priestranstve
Anténa: SMA-M anténa externá
Užívateľské rozhranie:
- 1x LED indikujúca príjem dát po rádiu
- 1x LED indikujúca príjem dát po linke RS485
- 1x otočný prepínač pre voľbu rádiového kanálu
Rozmery a hmotnosť: 36x90x57mm, 0.1kg
Spôsob montáže: DIN lišta
Prevádzková teplota: -20 až +60°C
Prevedenie: IP30